Henny Penny Hatching arrived Monday morning for us to take part in their chicken hatching program. Over eleven days, the children at Newcastle West have the opportunity to observe, interact with and hold baby chicks. On Tuesday, we were lucky enough the witness the birth of two chicks! We patiently watched as the chicks pecked and broke down their shell until they were able to fully crack out! It was hard to believe that it was all happening right in front of us. It created some interesting conversations among both the educators and children! ‘Why is it so wet?’ ‘It’s not moving’ ‘When can we hold it?’ ‘Where’s its mum?’ were some, just to name to a few. It certainly must have created a point of conversation at home overnight, as children excitedly returned to St Nick’s the following morning, bursting to show their mums and dads the chickens! What a fun learning journey we will have over the next two weeks, and all in the lead-up to Easter!

Hatching excitement
This week at Newcastle West, we excitedly welcomed three new fuzzy friends, and some precious ‘soon to be friends’ into Moane too.
Category Early Education