LITURGY MATTERS: Perpetual Day of Remembrance
Today in Liturgy Matters, Bishop Michael Kennedy writes to the faithful about the Perpetual Day of Remembrance, marked on Sunday 15 September.
YOU are invited to come along and be part of our very first Creation Sings!
LITURGY MATTERS: Tilling the Soil of Christian Initiation
The Ministry of Christian Initiation is the core business of every Christian community, particularly parishes.
LITURGY MATTERS: Sacred Heart Beat
Every living thing has a heartbeat. When did you last pause to pay attention to yours and to consider that your heartbeat is sacred? Try it now. Hold your hand to your chest and feel the sacred beat of your heart.
What soil do you bring to the liturgy?
Jesus referred to faith as a seed. A mustard seed. All plants begin as seeds. However, to germinate and grow and develop and be productive, the seed needs to be placed in good soil. In the synoptic Gospels (Matthew 13:3-9, Mark 4:2-9 and Luke 8:4-8) we read Jesus’ Parable of the Sower. I am utilising poetic licence with using this parable where the seed is representing faith and not directly the Kingdom of God, but bear with me. It will all makes sense.
Just think about that statement for a minute. Better still, ponder this question: when have you experienced God’s desire for you? We talk a lot about God’s love but seldom about God’s desire for us and for a world remade in love.
LITURGY MATTERS: Being Nourished at the Table of the Word
Over the course of this year, Louise Gannon and I have had the great joy and privilege of gathering with our Deacons, both permanent and transitional, and those who are in formation for ordination to that Office.
LITURGY MATTERS: ‘Praise and Worship’ in a Catholic community
Last Friday we marked the opening of Catholic Schools Week with a liturgy in the Cathedral that was a bit different. Indeed, some people said they got a bit of a shock. Many left saying, ‘best ever!’ Bring on more shocks I say!!