Many parts. One body. One mission.

For over half a decade, the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle has lived by the ethos Many parts. One body. One mission.

We have a range of unique functions and complexities in our daily operations because of the different groups we serve. From our Catholic schools to social services, to child protection, to Catholic Community Fund and Early Education, each segment plays a crucial role in our mission to build connected Catholic communities.

It's natural for different teams of any organisation to have specific needs and strategic priorities, however at the heart, it is essential to remember that we are all part of a large whole. When one part of the body thrives, the entire body benefits. This is why the individual and collective experience across our agencies is so crucial to us fulfilling our mission.

While multifaceted, we draw on each other’s strengths for the good of those we serve.

Each agency, each team and each individual within our Diocese brings unique skills and experience. The nature of our work spans from our educators who inspire and nurture to our social services teams who bridge gaps and promote inclusivity, to our spiritual leaders who offer guidance and proclaim the Gospel. Rather than viewing these as isolated functions, our Many parts. One body. One mission. initiative encourages us to operate free from silos and instead focus on their interconnectedness.  

Our success is reliant on information sharing and leveraging the diverse talent of our workforce. Our mission to enable people to live their lives to the fullest is not just a statement; it’s the commitment that the Diocese has been built upon and it guides every action and decision we make.

From a business perspective, the true measure of success typically lies within an organisation’s workforce. It would be remiss to ignore that paychecks and benefits often play a large role in an employees satisfaction, however it’s important not to discount the power of a shared purpose and common goals. The collective drive from believing in one’s work is often a large enabler in finding fulfillment that goes far beyond what a workplace’s benefits can provide.

In the words of Saint Paul: “There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different ways the Spirit works. But the same God is working in all these ways and in all people (1 Cor 12:5).

When reflecting on the Diocese with this verse in mind, I think of our agencies that service various groups within society. I think of the different ways we measure our success and impact within these agencies. I think about the way our agencies adapt and pivot based on the needs of their customers. However, ultimately, I think how they are all underpinned by our vision of living the joy of the Gospel and sharing it with the world.

This line of thinking extends far beyond the workplace too. Every person is one cog in a larger machine in every aspect of their lives; whether it be interpersonal relationships, professional relationships, or familial relationships. There is strength in unity and celebrating shared goals, however that may look for you. We are all a part of a body, and we need each other to thrive.

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