Are you ready for a spa day for the mind?

Aurora invited Bronwyn Melville, Pastoral Care Worker at St Pius X High School and Chair of the Parent Education Working Party of the Federation of Parents and Friends, to share a new initiative of the Federation.


As a mother of five with a job and a number of other interests and commitments, my days – and nights – are crowded. That’s my choice, but there are times when the idea of some ‘time out’ is very appealing.

The Federation of Parents and Friends focuses primarily on the needs of students and how parents can help their children" and has had some significant gains: responsiveness to students with special needs, including the annual Special Needs Mass, celebrated last month, and the Bishop’s Awards for students and young people.

This year the Federation has turned its attention to supporting parents of children in diocesan schools more directly, with the inaugural Parents Retreat Days. Parents are invited to participate in one of two consecutive days at Monte Pio Inn, Campbells Hill. The days will be opportunities to slow down and learn some self kindfullness, engage in meditation prayer, hear interesting speakers and enjoy a shared lunch. It will be a ‘spa day’ for the mind!

I have loving and supportive parents who have always edified us in our role as parents; me as a mother, and my husband as a father. Because, due to distance, they were not able to provide ‘hands on’ support for us in raising our five children, I am very aware of self kindness and care as a parent.

When I brought my first baby home, my grandmother (a mother of seven, orphaned at 12) said, “Make sure you always have your breakfast and do what you need to take care of yourself − because no one else will do that for you.”

It is something I have tried to do for myself and for other mums, dads and carers; encourage them − and help them − to take care of the carer.

To learn more about the parents retreat days on 14 and 15 October, email Bronwyn or P 4979 1303.

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Bronwyn Melville Image
Bronwyn Melville

Bronwyn Melville is the Pastoral Care Worker at St Pius X High School, Adamstown.

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