CatholicCare links with other community providers in Muswellbrook

Member for Upper Hunter Michael Johnsen MP and Bishop Bill Wright officially opened the Muswellbrook Community Hub, encompassing a variety of community providers, in February.

The Muswellbrook Community Hub incorporates CatholicCare Social Services Hunter Manning, Access Programs and One Door Mental Health, with additional providers likely to join the premises in the coming months.

“The opening of the Muswellbrook Community Hub is CatholicCare’s response to the strong interest in our social services from the Upper Hunter community, particularly from those interested in becoming foster carers, as well as from those seeking access to mental health support,” said Director of CatholicCare, Gary Christensen.

“We invited other service providers to join us in the Francis Street location, so that collectively we could provide holistic support across the lifespan,” Gary said.

The opening of CatholicCare’s Muswellbrook office marks the second office in the Upper Hunter for the organisation, with the opening of its Singleton office taking place in October 2017.

“Our Muswellbrook office enables us to extend the services we provide to the wider Hunter community in general but in particular to the number of young people and children who need our support.

“An increasing number of children is unable to live with their birth families, and the situation is now at crisis point. In Australia, there are over 30,000 children who have been living away from their birth parents for over two years- CatholicCare is working vigilantly to provide these children with a loving, safe and secure home. The opening of our Muswellbrook office will enable us to provide greater support to our existing carers and hopefully entice more locals to consider becoming carers, which will assist in addressing the massive shortfall across regional NSW,” Gary said.

To learn more about the service providers at the Muswellbrook Community Hub, please click here (Access Programs) here (CatholicCare) and here (One Door Mental Health). 

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Lizzie Watkin Image
Lizzie Watkin

Lizzie is Team Leader Content for the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle.

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