CatholicCare links with other community providers in Muswellbrook IMAGE Aurora

CatholicCare links with other community providers in Muswellbrook

March 07, 2018 0 Comments Lizzie Watkin

Member for Upper Hunter Michael Johnsen MP and Bishop Bill Wright officially opened the Muswellbrook Community Hub, encompassing a variety of community providers, in February.

Project Compassion: Evangeline’s story IMAGE Aurora

Project Compassion: Evangeline’s story

March 07, 2018 1 Comment Daniel Nour

Caritas Australia is helping youth in First Australian communities to strengthen their culture and create opportunities for their communities.

Take the pressure down IMAGE Aurora

Take the pressure down

March 07, 2018 0 Comments Joanne Isaac

Is parenting harder in 2018 than it was last century? And does it really matter?

Our perspective as parents is shaped by our experiences as children.

One man’s meat…. IMAGE Aurora

One man’s meat….

March 07, 2018 1 Comment Bishop Bill Wright

OK, we’re going back in time. Not very far, but you’re reading this in March while my head is still in February. I’m going to one of our high schools this afternoon to have a conversation with its student leaders, and I have a trick question to put to them.

Beyond the Gates: An initiative of St Mary’s Catholic College, Gateshead and CatholicCare IMAGE Aurora

Beyond the Gates: An initiative of St Mary’s Catholic College, Gateshead and CatholicCare

March 07, 2018 0 Comments Maryanne Kerrins

Most young people and their families experience times when things are not panning out as they had hoped. All families and individuals have times when help is needed to navigate some turbulence that may have appeared on the horizon. Turbulence can creep in slowly, unnoticed and certainly uninvited. Or it can arrive like a bolt of lightning – out of the blue, unannounced and potentially destructive.

Nurse on a mission! IMAGE Aurora

Nurse on a mission!

March 07, 2018 0 Comments Kevin Wilson

St Paul’s, Rutherford, parishioner Sue Bartlett has embarked on a two-year mission in Kiribati through Palms Australia. After applying in 2017, Sue was prepared for this challenge at the orientation course in January.

Q&A with Geraldine Doogue IMAGE Aurora

Q&A with Geraldine Doogue

March 07, 2018 0 Comments Tracey Edstein

Renowned journalist and broadcaster, Geraldine Doogue, shares some of the things that matter.


Each one lives on IMAGE Aurora

Each one lives on

March 07, 2018 0 Comments Margaret Walker

As she stood at the foot of the cross, the dust swirled at her feet. The noise of the jeering crowd seemed distant as a cocoon of silence enveloped and crushed her. Her sadness was solitary and pierced at her heart, wishing every breath she took could give life to her dying son, limp on the cross.

Hope floats, truly IMAGE Aurora

Hope floats, truly

March 07, 2018 0 Comments Tracey Edstein

A local woman has responded to the death of her husband by establishing a social support group for others in the same situation.

Explore the myth of the power of one IMAGE Aurora

Explore the myth of the power of one

March 07, 2018 0 Comments Tracey Edstein

Rev Graham Long, Pastor and CEO of Sydney’s Wayside Chapel, will visit Newcastle in May to speak at the Spiritual Care Australia (SCA) National Conference. Long’s topic seems set to challenge the cult of individualism that has long held sway, and there is no disputing his credibility in terms of ‘hands on’ experience with those most in need of support.

Celebrating academic excellence in our diocese IMAGE Aurora

Celebrating academic excellence in our diocese

March 07, 2018 0 Comments Gabrielle Sutherland

Students from across the diocese have been recognised for achieving outstanding academic results in 2017. Before family, friends, principals and CSO staff, students were presented with trophies for excelling in the areas of Religious Literacy, Studies of Religion, Industrial Technology, General Mathematics and Construction Examination. Awards were also presented to the top achievers in the diocese and the HSC diocesan Dux.

Cassie and Jackson give the Grandmothers new heart IMAGE Aurora

Cassie and Jackson give the Grandmothers new heart

March 07, 2018 0 Comments Zeny Giles

I am a member of Grandmothers against Detention of Refugee Children ‒ you may have seen us holding a vigil each Thursday at 5.00pm at the edge of Newcastle’s Civic Park opposite the City Hall.

Painting the town orange IMAGE Aurora

Painting the town orange

March 07, 2018 0 Comments Tom Jones

On 21 March 2018 the Hunter Interfaith Network would like to paint the Hunter Region a bright orange, the colour of Harmony Day.


If music be the food of love… IMAGE Aurora

If music be the food of love…

March 05, 2018 0 Comments Trish Bogan

Philip and Bernadette Matthias share a unique relationship. They met through their passion for music and eventually married; their love for each other and for music is keeping their lives exhilarating and demanding. With two sons, three-year-old William and 16-month-old Thomas, and a new baby due in August, their lives are a whirlwind of activity.

The life of Brian has arrived in Wollongong IMAGE Aurora

The life of Brian has arrived in Wollongong

March 07, 2018 0 Comments Tracey Edstein

Former Vicar General of the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle, Brian Mascord, was ordained Bishop of Wollongong on 22 February at the WIN Entertainment Centre.

Sr Anne Gardiner speaks in Rome on International Women's Day IMAGE Aurora

Sr Anne Gardiner speaks in Rome on International Women's Day

March 16, 2018 Tracey Edstein

Aurora featured Senior Australian of the Year, Sr Anne Gardiner fdnsc, in the July issue of last year

Anticipating April Aurora IMAGE Aurora

Anticipating April Aurora

April 04, 2018 Tracey Edstein

The April edition of Aurora will appear as an insert in The Maitland Mercury, The Singleton Argus, The Manning River Times and The Scone Advocate on Wednesday 4 April and in The Muswellbrook Chronicle on Thursday 5 April. Aurora will then appear in The Newcastle Herald on Saturday 7 April.

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