At St Joseph’s, school is where the heart is

Imagine arriving home to find you no longer have a home.

Tragically, this happened to Year 10 St Joseph’s College Lochinvar, student, Harry Hughes and his family when their home burnt to the ground recently. In response to the tragedy, the St Joseph’s, Lochinvar community banded together to embody the Josephite spirit: “Never see a need without doing something about it.”

Within great tragedy, there is often an unseen benefit. On this occasion, the positive aspect included an opportunity for the St Joseph’s staff, students and wider community to come together for a worthwhile cause. The response of the school was truly inspirational. It included many fundraising activities including a symbolic “buy a brick” which involved students purchasing a paper brick to help build a future for the family. There were also food and drink stalls, a regular lunch time car wash, a “feeder school of origin” touch football game and a silent disco.

The College was able to raise in excess of $7,000 for the cause − and counting.

However, something far greater than dollars was achieved. The College community – students and staff, supported by families − recognised the need, and together we did something about it − wholeheartedly! This was evident in the participation, teamwork, voluntary work and most importantly, the selfless actions of the students in the weeks leading up to and on the day of the Harry Hughes Fundraiser.

A short prayer from our principal Paul Greaves, which highlights that often you say more when you say less, best sums up the day:

This generosity and the work of our students,

families and staff yesterday in supporting the appeal is our prayer for this week. 

Sometimes prayer is better expressed in actions than in words.

St Joseph, pray for us.

St Mary of the Cross, pray for us.


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