Tell him he’s dreaming

In the Bible, God often communicates with individuals through dreams. Joseph (of the coat of many colours) learns through a dream that he has a God-given destiny, and there are many more examples…

Tea Gardens’ David Brailey is another man of God who has received messages in dreams. “I’ve had dreams that have changed my life.”

The outcome of a recent dream is the simple yet profound notion of granddads praying for their grandkids. “I saw people – I couldn’t tell you who they were – but they were praying together. I asked God what was happening and he said, ‘You’re praying with these other granddads for your grandkids.’

“I wasn’t looking for ministry – I’ve discovered that’s not the way to do it,” said David.

David is a father of three, grandfather of six and has served in leadership with a number of Christian congregations. He and his wife Jenny are steeped in scripture and trust God absolutely. They regularly host prayer groups in their home – but this was something new.

David shared his idea with his friend Ron Sunderland. While raised a Christian, Ron wouldn’t call himself a church man. However, he came on board without hesitation. “It was such a good thing, I had to be part of it.”

The invitation to granddads is simple: gather with three or four others, including a facilitator, for just three or four weeks in succession. Share something of your story (not your life story!), and pray for your grandchild or grandchildren.

Some men are distant, geographically and/or emotionally, from their grandchildren, perhaps because of a relationship breakdown. However, as David points out, there is no gap that can’t be bridged by prayer. Indeed, the image on David’s website is the Singing Bridge that links Tea Gardens and Hawks Nest.

Participant Leon Bobako tells of writing letters to his four grandsons and delivering them personally. “I thought, ‘if I fell off the perch tomorrow, would they even know what granddad thought about them?’ If that’s all I do, it’s come out of a very positive initiative – it’s ecumenical and it’s for everyone.”

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Tracey Edstein

Tracey Edstein is a member of the Raymond Terrace Parish and a freelance writer with a particular interest in church matters.

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