The Year of Youth has begun!

The much-heralded international Year of Youth began on 3 December and has been launched in parishes across the diocese.

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference states that “the Year of Youth invites the church into dialogue about the importance and life-giving presence of young people in the Church and society. It calls for dialogue and active engagement focused on the reconnection and renewal of a new generation of young people in the life of the Church.”

The first Australia-wide event for the Year of Youth is the Australian Catholic Youth Festival. This will run from 7-9 December, and all the action can be followed on and our social media channels.

There will be 220 Maitland-Newcastle pilgrims attending, joining 17,000 from around Australia. Chair of the ACYF Steering Committee, Baden Ellis, said, “I’m very excited for so many from our diocese to be attending the youth festival in Sydney. This event is a great opportunity for our young people to experience church outside Mass on Sunday.”

The Diocesan Council for Ministry with Young People has planned many events to celebrate this year. All are welcome to join us, not just young people.   

Each term we will have Sacred @ Seven, which is a gathering for adoration and music. Pints with a Purpose will continue at the Northern Star Hotel, Hamilton, on the first Monday of each month, with a variety of speakers.

To mark ten years since World Youth Day in Sydney, join us for a sleep-out at Kilaben Bay before the Way of the Cross in March.

Other opportunities include a HSC study retreat, Be Grow Show retreat, Spirituality in the Snow trip, and for the very adventurous, El Camino Pilgrimage in Spain! 

For details of all events see

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Brooke Robinson Image
Brooke Robinson

Brooke is Content Officer for the Communications Team in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle

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