Ceremony of Recognition acknowledges dedicated teaching staff

In an era where career change is common, it’s particularly special to acknowledge and recognise employers who have dedicated their lives to a particular field such as teaching. 

The Catholic Schools Office in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle each year recognises 25 years of service to education at the Called to Serve Mass. The staff of Catholic schools, the Catholic Schools Office and members of the Catholic Schools Council pledge “to serve the mission of God in the ministry of Catholic school education".

This year a Ceremony of Recognition for staff who have contributed 35 or more years of service to Catholic schools was hosted by Bishop Bill Wright and Director of Schools, Ray Collins. The ceremony was a wonderful occasion for teaching staff to come together, reminisce and most importantly, be publicly acknowledged for the contribution this group of teachers and teaching staff has made to education and to generations of families.

Ray Collins said, “The acknowledgement of the recipients of 35+ years of service recognised the considerable contribution these staff members have made to Catholic schools in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle and in other dioceses. Such service will have witnessed many changes in the nature of schools and the requirements of teachers. The staff members will have impacted on the lives of thousands of students in that time and we appreciate not only the length of this service but the individual commitment it requires.”

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Emma Blackford Image
Emma Blackford

Emma Blackford worked for the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle from 2009-2017. During this time, Emma held the positions of Communications Manager for the Catholic Schools Office, Communications Manager for the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle and Marketing and Communications Manager for CatholicCare Hunter-Manning.

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