Listen to a radical traditionalist

Melburnian Kevin Bailey will be speaking in Newcastle soon. Geraldine Williams shares something of his background.

Philanthropist, AFL enthusiast, father of seven and “radical traditionalist” Kevin Bailey has been described as having “bucket loads of energy and passion, as well as a keen sense of social justice and compassion for the poor and underprivileged”.

After successful careers in the military and the world of financial services, Kevin chose a completely new direction. He combined a multitude of interests and commitments under a broadly philanthropic banner that left him at least as occupied as he had been in more conventional roles.

His work ranges across organisations such as Halftime Australia, Parousia Media, Dads4Kids Fatherhood Foundation, Alpha Australia, Marriage Education and the Prime Minister’s Community Business Partnership.

Clearly, Kevin has a deep commitment to promoting and enhancing family life, and his wife of 25 years, Grace, supports him all the way. Kevin is delighted that “Up to 40,000 couples have taken part in the Marriage Education program over some 35 years.”

One of the attractions of the Alpha Australia program is that it provides an easy way for Catholics to invite others to participate in a process that’s more about ‘the big life questions’ than about doctrine and dogma.

Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium has been a source of great encouragement for Kevin. “As lay Catholics, we’ve actually got to be real; we’ve got to be counter-cultural; we’ve got to differentiate; we’ve got to lay down our lives for something that’s worth laying down our lives for....the Pope’s exhortation is that we are all called to be missionary disciples.”

Kevin Bailey has accepted an invitation to address the local Assembly of Catholic Professionals on 30 April. Manager, Business and Community Engagement in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle, Barry Urwin, is delighted that Kevin will share something of his story and the wisdom of a lifetime.

“Our guests will, I’m sure, enjoy Kevin’s insights and appreciate his dedication to the causes he chooses to promote and support. He has travelled to places like India and Timor Leste and brings a perspective broader than many of us can offer,” said Barry.

Kevin Bailey encourages those he encounters to be “radical traditionalists – radical in the way we actually read the Gospels and understand Scripture; the way we understand our Catholic traditions and faith; and an understanding of the new catechism.”

To learn more about the Assembly of Catholic Professionals, please visit or P Barry Urwin 4979 1142. This story is an edited version of a story published in Kairos, Archdiocese of Melbourne,

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Geri Williams

Geri Williams is the Online Communications and Brand Officer for the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle. She is also a regular writer for Aurora Magazine.

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