AURORA EXTRA Review: The Secret of Roan Inish IMAGE Aurora

AURORA EXTRA Review: The Secret of Roan Inish

December 07, 2016 0 Comments John Murray

A birth, a baby in imminent danger; a dangerous journey and a homeland left behind; a beckoning light in the darkness; an inspirational child and a humble family again at peace.

If someone described the above elements to you, what story would spring most readily to your mind?

MY WORD: For young and old IMAGE Aurora

MY WORD: For young and old

December 07, 2016 0 Comments Bishop Bill Wright

As I look back over the year now ending and reflect on what has been good, encouraging and enlivening, I notice that the best things have mostly been to do with our young people.

Celebrating 150 years of service, worship and mission IMAGE Aurora

Celebrating 150 years of service, worship and mission

December 07, 2016 0 Comments Teresa Brierley

In this Year of Mercy we have commemorated the 150 years since the arrival of the first resident bishop of Maitland, James Murray, who claimed St John the Baptist Church as his cathedral in 1866. We have celebrated a story of service, worship and mission and we continue to journey in faith, hope and love.

Forging a peaceful future IMAGE Aurora

Forging a peaceful future

December 07, 2016 0 Comments Paul Maguire

Hunter Valley blacksmith Will Maguire has helped bring to life, on the other side of the world, a memorial marking the centenary of World War l. Aurora invited Will’s Dad, Paul, to share the story.

An Advent reflection: Mercy and the womb IMAGE Aurora

An Advent reflection: Mercy and the womb

December 07, 2016 0 Comments Carole Wark

Member of the Marist Association of St Marcellin Champagnat, Carole Wark, shares some Advent thoughts.

Les and Valerie Murray: "Growing each other up" IMAGE Aurora

Les and Valerie Murray: "Growing each other up"

December 07, 2016 0 Comments Tracey Edstein

Perhaps the fictional Eliza Doolittle best sums up the household of Les and Valerie Murray at Bunyah, a rural hamlet off the road north to the Manning region.

"Words, words, words!" Eliza sang to Henry Higgins, with barely concealed frustration. However, the frustration is missing in the Murrays' case, unless it's the understandable frustration of declining mobility as the years roll by.

Their Love Grows: teacher's run leaves footprints for his students IMAGE Aurora

Their Love Grows: teacher's run leaves footprints for his students

December 07, 2016 0 Comments Amanda Skehan

When teacher Michael Eccleston set out in June for his #3weeks2days Refugee Awareness Run, his aim was to raise awareness of the plight of refugees and contribute to funds for the CatholicCare Refugee Centre in Mayfield.

New family-focused project for CatholicCare IMAGE Aurora

New family-focused project for CatholicCare

December 07, 2016 0 Comments Maryanne Kerrins

Stacey Northam has been working in the CatholicCare Brighter Futures program – a targeted early intervention program − as a Domestic Violence Case Manager for the past two years. Soon she will move from that role to set up the new Integrated Domestic and Family Violence Strategy (IFDVS) project, taking her passion and her commitment to social justice with her.

Married ... with ritual IMAGE Aurora

Married ... with ritual

December 07, 2016 0 Comments Joanne Isaac

In November my husband and I ‘celebrated’ our 19th year of marriage. Our anniversary happened to fall on a Tuesday night and our three kids were, of course, in the house. We managed a drink and a brief conversation alone by the pool before we were swallowed whole by the normal everyday demands of family life.

So long, farewell and thank you, Ray Collins IMAGE Aurora

So long, farewell and thank you, Ray Collins

December 07, 2016 0 Comments Alyssa Faith

After his nine years as the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle’s Director of Schools, it’s time to bid farewell to Ray Collins. As Ray begins his journey into retirement, we reflect on his illustrious career and the significant contribution he has made to our diocese. 

Have you heard about the Aussie camino? IMAGE Aurora

Have you heard about the Aussie camino?

December 07, 2016 0 Comments Luke Mills

Luke Mills spent seven days walking 217 km from Portland to Penola in April 2013. He and two friends undertook the walk as pilgrims following the path of St Mary MacKillop.

IDPwD: Achieving goals for the future we want IMAGE Aurora

IDPwD: Achieving goals for the future we want

December 07, 2016 0 Comments Gary Christensen

As a local services provider, CatholicCare Social Services Hunter-Manning (CatholicCare) prides itself on working in and around our community.

Do you see what I see? IMAGE Aurora

Do you see what I see?

December 07, 2016 0 Comments Anne Millard

“Said the night wind to the little lamb, do you see what I see?”

A star, a journey, a baby, forgiveness, and sacrifice.

I offer five interesting and unusual films for the Christmas season.  I hope this collection provides an opportunity for enjoyment and reflection.

Who is my neighbour? IMAGE Aurora

Who is my neighbour?

December 07, 2016 0 Comments Aloysious Mowe sj

“We decide who is coming here.” Malcolm Turnbull must have been hoping to gain both the conservative chops and the electoral success of former Prime Minister John Howard when he uttered these words in defence of his plans to ban asylum seekers who have arrived in Australia on boats from ever entering Australia.

THE WAY WE WERE: Commemorating 1000 years of Christianity IMAGE Aurora

THE WAY WE WERE: Commemorating 1000 years of Christianity

December 07, 2016 0 Comments Suzanne Martin

An invitation was published in the August 1966 Maitland Diocese’s Catholic Sentinel to commemorate 1000 years of Christianity in Poland.

The sacred ordinary IMAGE Aurora

The sacred ordinary

December 07, 2016 0 Comments Rod Pattenden

Christmas has been totally wrapped up. Whatever the gift might be, the packaging, marketing and promise of endless products shape our anticipations and our desires. Who will save us from all this wanting for more? Will we ever find deep satisfaction when there’s always a better product or experience to unsettle our desire?

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