Out Of Home Care focus group feedback night IMAGE Social Services

Out Of Home Care focus group feedback night

May 01, 2017 Comments Lizzie Watkin

Last year CatholicCare foster carers were invited to attend CatholicCare Social Services Hunter-Manning’s Out of Home Care Focus Group Discussion.

Coming to terms with the changes ageing can bring IMAGE Aurora

Coming to terms with the changes ageing can bring

April 05, 2017 Comments Tanya Russell

Q My father has begun to display early stage dementia and his doctor has confirmed this. My children are aged 5 and 7, and as Dad’s dementia progresses, I want them to develop age-appropriate understanding. At the same time, I don’t want them to think that dementia and the forgetfulness that goes with it is automatically part of growing older. Please give me some tips to encourage them to be patient and thoughtful.

CatholicCare partners with parishes and schools IMAGE Aurora

CatholicCare partners with parishes and schools

April 05, 2017 Comments Gary Christensen

Acting Director, CatholicCare Social Services Hunter-Manning, Gary Christensen, outlines his approach to his new role. Gary is a Novocastrian who was educated in local Catholic schools and has considerable experience in the areas of child protection, out of home care, mental health and disability services.

Providing children with a Safe Home for Life IMAGE Aurora

Providing children with a Safe Home for Life

April 05, 2017 Comments Allison Armstrong

According to the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS), nearly 17,000 children and young people in NSW are in Out of Home Care. Around half are in relative or kinship care and half in foster care.

Achieving goals, one step at a time IMAGE Social Services

Achieving goals, one step at a time

April 03, 2017 Comments Bryn Hoskins

Troy is up early. He’s packed his bag with pen and note book and asks Hayley, his Care Team Co-ordinator, for the first but definitely not the last time “When are we going?”

What on earth is a silent disco? IMAGE Social Services

What on earth is a silent disco?

March 27, 2017 Comments Lizzie Watkin

Imagine walking into a room. The energy is electric. People are smiling and engaging with one another. Everyone around you is dancing. Dancing in rhythm to the music… but the only audible sounds are those of feet tapping on the timber floor.

Closing the gap IMAGE Social Services

Closing the gap

March 20, 2017 Comments Maryanne Kerrins

It is no secret that there is a significant gap between the outcomes across many different domains for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples when compared with the non-Indigenous Australian population.

Calling a CatholicCare midwife! IMAGE Aurora

Calling a CatholicCare midwife!

March 01, 2017 Comments Lizzie Watkin

Recently I received an email with the subject ‘Baby’. It caught my attention. Intrigued, as no one I knew was expecting a baby, I opened the email. The message that followed was succinct but powerful.