Finding a home for Mark: a foster care story IMAGE Social Services

Finding a home for Mark: a foster care story

May 22, 2018 Lizzie Watkin

CatholicCare is urgently seeking someone - a single, couple or family - to provide care for a 15-year-old boy, Mark*, who has been living in crisis motel accommodation for over six months.

Can you help? We will provide you with an allowance, 24/7 emergency support, training and a dedicated care team that will guide you and Mark on your journey together.

CatholicCare aims to address foster carer shortage IMAGE Social Services

CatholicCare aims to address foster carer shortage

May 17, 2018 Britten Thompson

The number of children and young people requiring foster care has skyrocketed compared with what was required not even a decade ago. There are more than 20,000 children in New South Wales who rely on the foster care system, and approximately 49% of these children are located right here in the Hunter Valley says the Maitland Mercury.

Foster care: A willingness to provide love and a nurturing environment IMAGE Social Services

Foster care: A willingness to provide love and a nurturing environment

April 30, 2018 Lizzie Watkin

As I arrived at her home, Marg greeted me with a warm smile and an enthusiastic wave. Upon entering, I felt instantly at ease, despite only having met her once, very briefly.

What is it really like to be a foster carer? IMAGE Social Services

What is it really like to be a foster carer?

April 17, 2018 Comments Fiona McCalden

It was a sunny autumn afternoon and my class of Year 2 students had just left for the day when I opened a newsletter in my emails. I was reading through it when an advertisement from CatholicCare, calling for foster carers, caught my eye. There was a phone number to call. I picked up the phone…

Have you considered becoming a foster carer? IMAGE Social Services

Have you considered becoming a foster carer?

April 10, 2018 Lizzie Watkin

Have you ever considered becoming a foster carer or are you even a little bit curious to learn more about out of home care and open adoption? If so, CatholicCare invites you to attend one of our information sessions, to be held at various locations across the Hunter Valley in the coming months.​

Supporting those on the land IMAGE Aurora

Supporting those on the land

April 07, 2018 Comments Gary Christensen

While there has been rain in recent weeks, drought conditions continue in the Upper Hunter. Many are hoping for ‘follow up’ rains to ensure grass regrows and crops take root.

A Long Journey to Parenthood IMAGE Social Services

A Long Journey to Parenthood

April 03, 2018 Jackelyn Bassett

Walking through the front doors of the Hopson family home felt as warm and inviting as the parents themselves, Sharon and Scott, who couldn’t wipe the smiles off their faces.

Foster care and open adoption info sessions IMAGE Social Services

Foster care and open adoption info sessions

March 21, 2018 Britten Thompson

Across Australia, there are more than 40,000 children and young people who rely upon foster carers and the foster care system to keep them safe and out of harm’s way. More than 20,000 of those at-risk youths are in New South Wales.