Service of Solidarity with Gaza and the Holy Land

In a time of deep sorrow and anguish for us all, we look for hope and healing.

Let us come together in love, prayer and support. Let us acknowledge the reality that impacts us all as we share messages of hope.

Caritas is hosting a webinar and everyone is welcome to join:

When: Monday 27 November 
Time: 4:30pm to 5:00pm AEDT

The Australian Catholic Bishops have said:

‘Peace can come only from justice. We call people of faith to pray with us for a lasting peace and the triumph of human dignity.’

Please click here to register in advance for this webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

You can read more about what Caritas is doing to support Gaza, by clicking here. 

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Caritas Australia

Caritas Australia, a Catholic Agency for International Aid and Development, is part of a global network that spans over 200 countries and territories. For over 110 years, Caritas has worked towards the creation of a just world. In 1964, Caritas began in Australia.