International bestselling author visits St Paul's Catholic College, Booragul

St Paul’s Catholic College, Booragul was privileged this week to host Australia’s most successful author, Markus Zusak, as he ran a series of writing workshops for Stage 5 and 6 students.

As warm and charming as his novels, Zusak entertained the students with personal stories that illustrated his writing philosophy and encouraged them to be brave in their writing. Year 10 student, Harper Selmes, stated,

This week, best-selling (Australian!) author Markus Zusak visited St. Paul’s to discuss his writing journey with English students from Years 10 to 12. Zusak is best known for his internationally bestselling novels, The Book Thief and The Messenger. Students participated in a range of writing workshops – and in the Year 10 workshop, of which I attended- he shared insight into his early life, career and how he has achieved his remarkable success. Markus shared with us an entertaining true-life anecdote, explaining why this story ‘worked’, and revealed the writing process he undertook for each of his novels. He then gave us time to write our own short paragraphs and those brave enough, shared them with the group. Markus generously allowed us the opportunity to ask him questions regarding his life as a writer and his interesting thoughts on the film adaptation of The Book Thief. Overall, we had a fantastic time attending Markus Zusak’s workshop, as it provided us with an interesting and educational insight into his phenomenal success and most importantly – how to be a better writer!  - Harper Selmes Year 10

The buzz among English staff was palpable during the day as we learned and talked with one of our favourite authors. What an amazing opportunity for the literature lovers at St Paul’s.

Libby Lucas is the Leader of Learning, English at St Paul's Catholic College, Booragul

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