This year at San Clemente, staff were asked to take on the challenge of taking some of the great work they already do in the classroom and align it with this year’s NAIDOC theme – Heal Country.
Staff and students across San Clemente worked together to transform their class work into pieces for our NAIDOC assembly. We were treated to drama performed by students, exploring the rich nature of Aboriginal spirituality through Religion classes, viewing the sumptuous delights that were created in Food Tech classes using ‘bush tucker’ ingredients from our school gardens, inspired by moving pieces of prose written in History, English and French classes and an enlivening rendition of Midnight Oil’s “Beds are Burning” by music students.
These pieces were interspersed with dances performed by our Aboriginal Dance troupe led by Hilary McEntyre from Dreamtime Dance Company.
Afterwards, one of our parents spoke about his experience watching his two daughters moving through the audience and up on stage, painted in ochre and performing the dances inspired by ancient Aboriginal cultural traditions. He was beaming with pride as he stood with his daughters on either side of him and exclaimed with simultaneous disbelief, joy and appreciation. “This would never have happened when I was at school!” We went on to discuss the great benefits this type of education will have on our families, communities and country.
Another parent, again bolstered with pride, however mixed with astonishment, at her children’s courage and, delight, that lessons that including Aboriginal culture were presented and treated in authentic and meaningful ways as a part of San Clemente school life…
“Thank you so much for this assembly – it was just great! I’m so impressed by the effort you staff have put in to supporting the students and organising so many cultural activities – so good to see the tide is turning.”