NSS promotes an interest in reading and literacy and this year, despite COVID-19, St Francis Xavier’s Primary School, Belmont connected with the local Community Child Care Centre for the event.
Every year, St Francis Xavier’s (SFX) Year 6 students attend local Belmont preschools and childcare centres to celebrate NSS with the younger children. Unfortunately, SFX's students could not physically attend this year, but we were able to Zoom.
SFX, Belmont donated the 2020 book Britney and Whitney Chicken Divas by Lucinda Gifford to Belmont Community Child Care Centre (BCCCC) and then a Zoom meeting hosted the school and the childcare centre. The children enjoyed sharing stories about their costumes and experiences with chickens.
Across the classes, students and teachers came to school and preschool “glammed up" wearing “bling”, which included a lot of sparkles and sequins. The students all made tiaras and decorated masquerade masks.
Due to our transition to fulltime teaching, the celebrations were conducted over two days. There were lots of laughs and smiles and the students enjoyed listening to the various Australian famous people reading Chicken Divas online.
We look forward to doing it all again next year with another great book.