This term, our local St Vincent de Paul representative Paul Coles informed us there was a shortage of warm blankets and clothing for the homeless and people in need.
The Mini Vinnies team led by our Pastoral Care Worker Catherine Stace decided a blanket drive would be well received by the community and assist St Vincent de Paul’s Winter Blanket Appeal.
It had been two years since St Francis Xavier’s had been involved in such an appeal and due to the current COVID-19 situation, blankets were very much in demand in the East Lakes community.
The student representatives from Kindergarten to Year 6 planned a special focus day for the entire school. The team decided on a theme of beanies and scarves to remind us of the items we use to keep warm.
Students were asked to wear a beanie and a scarf and donate a blanket or dressing gown. The participation was overwhelming with donations of blankets exceeding previous years and we even had cash donations of $140.
Our local St Vincent de Paul chapter was extremely grateful and was very much looking forward to getting the donations to those in need. This is such a fantastic effort for our small school. The families of SFX are very generous and really do have big hearts.
To find out more about St Francis Xavier’s Primary School, Belmont, head to our website.