Our students have learnt that the smallest acts of kindness make a difference to another person’s day; from giving a warm smile to brighten things up, to providing a helping hand for another, or seeing a need and doing something about it. These gestures put our faith into action.
Our Mini Vinnies leaders went further. They wanted to have an impact on our Newcastle community by supporting the underprivileged and homeless. Mini Vinnies did this best by promoting and encouraging our students to send in items for the annual St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal … and boy, did our school community respond. We had so many bags of quality, warm winter clothing and blankets that we filled the St Vincent de Paul car to the very brim. We were even concerned the driver may not fit in, but thankfully, he did.
On behalf of the Mini Vinnies leadership team and our Holy Family students, we would like to thank all our families for sending in these items so that we can further support this significant cause and those most vulnerable. The Mini Vinnies leaders all said they had so much fun handing these items over and felt “really good” knowing we are doing something to help others. Amazing effort Holy Family.