The AIR project is an addition to our school’s already flourishing Gifted Education program and provides mentoring for students who are demonstrating a passion for visual arts.
One of the most valuable experiences a gifted child can have is exposure to a mentor who is willing to share personal experience, a particular interest, time, talents and skills. Our AIR-time mentor, Roger Griffin, is a member of our school’s community and has been a working artist since graduating from Sydney College of the Arts in 1985. He has happily volunteered his time to support the talent development of fledgling artists at St Columban’s.
The students will be introduced to a variety of art forms, techniques, processes, basic skills and media such as printmaking, watercolours, acrylics, pastels.
Artists in the program will have an opportunity each week to meet and make with the mentor. There will be two other sessions during the week with Gifted Education Mentor Bonnie Griffin, where students can work on their art.
These sessions are not direct, structured teaching sessions. They are opportunities for students to see a skilled artist at work, make their own art, receive feedback and respond to the work of others in a supportive environment.
There will be a community exhibition held at the end of the term. The exhibition will be conducted by the students as a Creative Industries component.
“Creativity is intelligence having fun.” – Albert Einstein