The St Vincent De Paul Sleepout is an annual event that aims to build awareness of the realities of homelessness and raise funds for Vinnies homeless services.
Every second year, St Paul’s holds their own sleepout event for staff and students to be involved in, where they spend the night “sleeping rough” in the school hall and raise money for the St Vincent de Paul Society by collecting sponsors before the night.
Organised by the College’s Youth Vinnies team, the night gives students the opportunity to understand and gain unique insights into the challenges and complex issues faced by people experiencing homelessness.
After the school day, students returned to the College campus at 8pm where the night began with a liturgy, to allow the group to take a moment to reflect on their reasoning for gathering together for the night.
Participants were then served noodles for dinner to simulate a soup kitchen.
While sleeping out at the College allows the students to experience the cold and uncomfortable situation faced by the homeless, unlike finding a place on the street, the students are safe.
The next morning, breakfast was served at 6.30am, with food kindly donated by Toronto Woolworths.
A big thank you also to Mr Selmes and staff who supported this event; without them, this event could not take place.