These include:
- the Games Gurus Group which organise games and activities for other students during playtime, helping to cater for all students by providing quiet and active play sessions -especially on special days such as St Joseph’s Day and for Mental Health Week in week 5 of every term
- the Kids Care Group which specialises in being welcoming and providing hospitality. The members support charities such as Catholic Mission and CARITAS and help to run Socktober They welcome visitors to the school and set up hospitality for liturgies and special school events. They also work closely with the Mini Vinnies group
- the Gotcha Group which helps with the school’s merit award system which is based on Mercy Values. The members support the staff in giving out and collecting Gotchas and help to count them. They present our weekly focus to the school at the Monday assembly and design the weekly focus themed posters for display around the school. They also run random prize draws.
- the Enviro Warriors Group which works out ways to keep our environment clean, attends local forums, inspires change and promotes sustainable programs. Members have introduced a sustainable recycling system, worked in the school gardens and are actively promoting nude food and the war on waste; and
- the Mini Vinnies Group members are advocates within the school and local community for putting the school values into action to help those in need. They meet regularly to learn about social justice issues, develop leadership skills and engage with the wider St Vincent de Paul Society.
The role of these groups is to support the school in promoting the Mercy Values of respect, compassion, courage, hospitality, service and justice in a real and active manner.
Inspired by this year’s Catholic Schools Week theme, Learn, Serve, Belong, the school’s Leadership Induction Day asked the nominated students to think about a series of questions related to each part of the themes which are:
- Learn - What is Mercy? Who was Catherine McCauley and why is her story connected to us? What are Mercy Values? What are the Mercy Values we focus on at St Joseph’s? What are Catholic Social Teachings, and which one relates to our group? Why do we need to remember that ‘At the heart of everything there is always Jesus Christ’?
- Serve – As a member of the …… what is our role? Discuss. How will we serve our school and community? Brainstorm new ideas; and
- Belong – What is important to remember when we are part of a group? Write group norms.How do we help other students and members of the community to feel included?
The Leadership Induction Day was very successful and helped to generate many enthusiastic plans for the year ahead.
To find out more about the Positive Behaviours for Learning Together with Care and Respect program, click here.