After being named runners up at the Diocesan Debating Competition, the students were very excited and enthusiastic about being given another opportunity to test their skills against like-minded students.
The Muswellbrook and District Schools Debating Competition brought together nine teams from five schools, with St James’ A and B teams in direct competition with Denman Public School’s A and B teams.
The first debate of the day was prepared beforehand at school, with the topic being Age restrictions should be placed on all online games and that all children should watch 30 minutes of news every day.
Both St James’ teams won their debates comfortably and progressed through to the semi-finals.
After participating in spirited debates, both St James’ teams qualified for the grand finale.
In the grand finale, both teams did a sensational job of debating the topic, We should stop the sale of bottled water.
The adjudicators, teachers, parents and fellow students were amazed and astounded by the high quality of the two teams’ debating skills.
After very close final scores, the team of Lila Davis, Claire Leadley, Gabrielle Fuller and Daniel King (B team) were crowned champions!
The school’s A team of Charlise Anderson, Reese Tuckerman, Chelsea Noack and Faith Rafferty missed the win by one point which is as close as you can get!
St James' is very proud of what both debating teams have achieved this year and our wish is that this effort is something the other students should aspire to in the coming years, as we grow a tradition of strong, talented, confident debaters.
The students would like to thank Mrs Harris and Mr Borg for working so hard with them on their debating skills throughout the year.
St James' would also like to thank Muswellbrook South Public School for hosting the day, as well as the adjudicators for taking time out of their schedules to be with us.