For Year 9 and 10 students, St Joseph’s offers the mandatory science curriculum along with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) elective courses.
With the guidance of expert and passionate teaching staff, students in Years 11 and 12 have the opportunity to study Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth and Environmental Science and Investigating Science. Science Extension is also available for interested and capable students in Year 12.
A practical approach
St Joseph’s incorporates a variety of practical and theoretical lessons to deliver their Science curriculum to students.
During practical lessons, staff begin the lesson with teacher-directed learning of the relevant content and explain the intricacies of the experiment to be conducted. Students then participate in hands-on practical experiments as they collect data for analysis and interpretation.
During theory lessons, students experience a variety of learning styles including team teaching and scientific inquiry and research as well as utilising a combination of electronic learning platforms and prepared OneNote lessons.
Stepping outside the classroom
Students are encouraged to develop and extend their skills outside the classroom environment and are given the opportunity to participate in the Big Science Challenge, the Science Olympiad, the ICAS competition and the GATS program run by Sydney University.
Students also compete in the “Build me a future” and “Science and Engineering Challenge”, conducted by the University of Newcastle, further encouraging STEM education.
Students currently have access to several newly refurbished laboratories and plans are currently underway for a new Physics and STEM-specific laboratory to enhance further students’ learning experiences.