St Peter’s has engaged CSO Early Learning Education Officer, Kim Moroney, to help develop ideas for the new area and ensure the available space is used to its full potential. Ideas were also drawn from new playgrounds in other schools across the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle.
An experienced landscaper was also involved developing the play area which now features a fairy garden, chalkboards, a mud pit, a kitchen, a magnetic board and a shop front.
“The aim of the playground is to provide an area for natural, imaginative and creative play mainly for our infant students,” said Principal, Michael Punch.
“St Peter’s is a growing school and we realised the need to maximise the use of our space and to provide students with an area in which they could use their imagination and creativity.
“The space was previously under used and now forms an area for free play as well as outdoor learning.
“The whole school has benefited – play options for our students have now increased allowing a wider variety of activities on our playground.”
Michael also thanked the Parents & Friends Association for putting on a Spring Ball to help raise funds for the new play area.