The morning learning sessions were held at the University of Newcastle's Callaghan Campus, where the students were introduced to the University's Science, Maths and Real Technology (SMART) Presenters.
The SMART Presenters worked alongside the students for two hours as they learned how to program EV3 robots to complete a maze, before competing against one another.
The students then moved to the University's i3Lab, where Dr Karen Blackmore talked to the students about her work and research. As an expert in the application of Virtual Reality for industry, Dr Blackmore currently teaches game design and production at the University.
The students were then given the opportunity to experience the Virtual Reality technology in the i3Lab, where they used a range of head-mounted devices to immerse themselves in a simulated environment.
The afternoon learning session was held at Kookaburra Educational Resources where students were introduced to a wide range of technology including Tetrix robots, Spheros, 3D printers, drones and more.
The students were given a demonstration of all of the technology on display before having the opportunity to trial it all for themselves.
The day was a wonderful opportunity for the students from Holy Name to be taught by experts in the field and to participate in enriching and engaging learning experiences.