St John’s Primary School, Lambton, and St Patrick’s Primary School, Swansea, opened their gates to welcome family and friends for a special Catholic Schools Week liturgy.
Principal of St Patrick’s, Peter Green said, “During our liturgy, we reflected on the fact that God’s love for us is a gift – with no strings attached – and that passing on this faith in a loving God is at the heart of our mission as a Catholic school.”
200kms up the road the community of St Joseph’s Primary School, Merriwa, gathered to commission their new school leaders during a liturgy followed by a special morning tea and open classrooms.
Principal Helen Whale said, “Creativity and problem solving is high on our lifelong learning agenda at St Joseph’s. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) was the focus of our open classrooms at St Joseph’s Merriwa as teachers led multi-aged groups of parents and students through a number of exciting challenges.”
Meanwhile, St Columban’s Primary School, Mayfield, welcomed family and grandparents to share in a liturgy followed by a picnic lunch in the playground.
Over at Holy Family Primary School, Merewether Beach, members of the parent community were invited to participate in a workshop focused on building resilience. The workshop was an opportunity to engage in a day of learning, discussion and sharing stories and to acknowledge the work parents do in supporting their children through their educational journey.
“We all acknowledge as educators that parents play a substantial role in the development of resilience in their children. Resilient children withstand the pressures that school provides more effectively than children who are not resilient,” said Principal, Sidonie Coffey.
For the fourth year running, students at St Joseph’s College, Lochinvar, participated in their annual CARITAS rice lunch event. The lunch involves cancelling all food items available at the canteen and offering only rice and milk during recess and lunch.
“Each year, we sell around 30kg of rice to the school community to raise much needed funds to support CARITAS Australia, said Ministry Coordinator, Erin McCort.
“They say it takes a whole village to raise a child, well at St Joseph’s we say it takes a whole school to have a vision and work for action in supporting such a worthy cause.”
And finally, over the hills at St Catherine’s Catholic College, Singleton, the college community enjoyed sharing a delicious picnic lunch with grandparents, family and friends.
To share in all the excitement of Catholic Schools Week ‘Day Two’, view the gallery below!
Photography by Amanda Skehan, Amy Theodore and Clay Burke.