During the opening assembly, badges were handed out to San Clemente’s 2019 Leadership Team including the four School Captains: Audrey Waugh, Caitlin Cashmere, Angus O’Connor and Lachlan James.
“I would like to share the following quote with you from James Thurbe,” said Principal of San Clemente, Bernard Burgess, during the assembly.
“There are two kinds of light—the glow that illuminates and the glare that obscures.
“Today, my challenge to students is to choose which light to strive for.”
Badges were also presented to the school’s 12 portfolio leaders including the Ministry Leaders, Stewardship Leaders, Sports Leaders, Cultural Leaders and House Leaders.
House Leaders – the House Leaders will be the drivers of the house competition and the Tony Kelly Cup. They will work alongside year coordinators, teaching and learning coordinators and teachers to arrange a broad variety of competitions across a range of areas to ensure all students have the opportunity to show their strengths.
- Sienna - Lillie Baker
- Calaroga - Timothy Hamilton
- Castile - Thomas Harvey
- Aquino - Jasmine Hole
Ministry Leaders – the Ministry Leaders will be active contributors to the faith life of the school and advocates for social justice issues. They will continue to develop a living Dominican charism.
- Angelina McGrath
- Issac Petherbridge
Sport Leaders – the Sports Leaders will promote sport as a highly valued element of San Clemente, as it leads towards its mission of developing the whole person.
- Renaldo Caponecchia
- Amy Bourquin
Stewardship Leaders – the Stewardship Leaders will focus on the care of the environment and each other.
- Beth Rooke
- Casey Taggart
Cultural Leaders – the Cultural Leaders will inspire others to express themselves creatively and encourage participation and innovation. They will encourage members of the San Clemente community to be active and passionately involved in the cultural or co-curricular life of the school.
- Moreen Dushime
- Joshua Haagensen
Diocesan Academic Excellence Awards were also presented to former Year 10 San Clemente students who attained a Grade 6 or 7 in their ROSA in either Religion, English, Mathematics, Science, Australian History and Australian Geography in 2018. The recipients were:
- Alec Chapman
- Shelby Fanning
- Ivy Griffin
- Caitlin Heigel
- Sharni Tilbrook