LITURGY MATTERS: All the way to Mass is Mass IMAGE Liturgy Matters

LITURGY MATTERS: All the way to Mass is Mass

May 04, 2020 Louise Gannon rsj

Today I invite you to savour the reflections of Tracey Edstein as she ponders our current liturgical matters and what our experience is revealing about ourselves and our Mass.  Thank you, Tracey, for this rich feast.

LITURGY MATTERS: Children’s Liturgy and Family Prayer in a Time of Pandemic IMAGE Liturgy Matters

LITURGY MATTERS: Children’s Liturgy and Family Prayer in a Time of Pandemic

April 28, 2020 Louise Gannon rsj

I don’t know about you, but I am finding some silver linings to our current lockdown which has closed our churches and stopped public liturgy, including Sunday Mass.  This promoted some of us to reflect on the opportunities emerging for Children’s Liturgy and family prayer.

LITURGY MATTERS: Are we truly living as the Body of Christ? IMAGE Liturgy Matters

LITURGY MATTERS: Are we truly living as the Body of Christ?

April 21, 2020 Fiona Duque

One of the themes emerging in the plethora of theological writing on our experience of COVID 19 focuses on the question of whether we, the People of God, are seizing this moment as an opportunity to live more fully as the Body of Christ, or whether a reliance on streamed masses is reinforcing a dependence on the clergy to be all things to all people. The way we celebrate liturgy matters because it is meant to shape us for the former, not the latter.  Fiona Duque, a member of the Diocesan Liturgy Council and the Ministry Co-ordinator at St Bede’s Catholic College Chisholm, has been reflecting on this question in the context of her life and ministry.  I invite you to ponder with her and to reflect on your own experience through the lens of this question.  Over to you Fiona.

LITURGY MATTERS: The Domestic Church and the Liturgy of Life IMAGE Liturgy Matters

LITURGY MATTERS: The Domestic Church and the Liturgy of Life

April 14, 2020 Louise Gannon rsj

One of my fond Josephite memories features our Sr Emmanuel, affectionately known as Manny. One day, long, long ago, in a chapel in the middle of the valley, I was sitting alone praying. Manny came up behind me, and scaring me half to death, whispered in my ear, ‘The team is only as good and strong as its individual members!’  And off she went.  It felt like the voice of God!

LITURGY MATTERS: Does COVID-19 hold some opportunities? IMAGE Liturgy Matters

LITURGY MATTERS: Does COVID-19 hold some opportunities?

April 06, 2020 Louise Gannon rsj

Our lives are changing drastically almost daily. Our church buildings have been closed and we have no access to the normal rhythm of gathering as a community to celebrate Sunday Mass. What do we do in these circumstances? Most of us are focusing on live-streamed Masses.  While this experience has its place, our current circumstances provide us with an opportunity to reflect on our ‘Mass Myopia’ and expand our liturgical horizons to consider the wider treasury of the Church’s liturgical prayer and Christ’s presence with us in the ordinary – at the moment extraordinary – circumstances of life. I invite you to open your minds and hearts to consider the following reflection by Nick Wagner. It translates easily to our Australian context. What is the Spirit asking of us in these circumstances?

LITURGY MATTERS: Pope Francis COVID-19 Blessing IMAGE Liturgy Matters

LITURGY MATTERS: Pope Francis COVID-19 Blessing

March 30, 2020 Louise Gannon rsj

In the midst of the COVID 19 pandemic, Pope Francis has stood in stunning isolation to share his profoundly moving reflection and blessing in which he entrusts us all to the compassionate care of God. 

LITURGY MATTERS: ‘Do you love me?’ A question about participation IMAGE Liturgy Matters

LITURGY MATTERS: ‘Do you love me?’ A question about participation

March 23, 2020 Louise Gannon rsj

How did we get to the fourth week of Lent so quickly? Are you beginning to feel renewed? Any changes in your participation in liturgy? Are you changing?  What are you hoping for as we move towards Easter?  What new life? What light? 

LITURGY MATTERS: The Vatican II take on full, conscious and active participation in the liturgy IMAGE Liturgy Matters

LITURGY MATTERS: The Vatican II take on full, conscious and active participation in the liturgy

March 17, 2020 Louise Gannon rsj

And so to the third week of Lent and back to our reflection on our full, conscious and active participation in liturgy and life. How is your journey of baptismal renewal and conversion going? Are you noticing any difference in your participation in liturgy? Is this changing you and how you live your baptism day in and day out?