LITURGY MATTERS: Celebrants or Consumers? It matters!  Part 5: The Fraction Rite	 IMAGE Liturgy Matters

LITURGY MATTERS: Celebrants or Consumers? It matters! Part 5: The Fraction Rite

July 28, 2020 Louise Gannon rsj

Well we’ve made it to the Fraction Rite! We’ve taken bread and wine.  We’ve blessed bread and wine. And now it is time for the bread to be broken and the wine poured out for the life of the world.  What do we think we are doing when we celebrate ‘The Fraction Rite’? Are we celebrants or consumers? The answer matters.

Liturgy Matters: Celebrants or Consumers? It matters!  Part 4: The Eucharistic Prayer IMAGE Liturgy Matters

Liturgy Matters: Celebrants or Consumers? It matters! Part 4: The Eucharistic Prayer

July 14, 2020 Louise Gannon rsj

Four weeks ago, prompted by our COVID 19 experience, we began to reflect on our understanding of what we think we are doing when we celebrate ‘The Liturgy of the Eucharist’ at Mass. Are we celebrants or consumers? The answer matters. Today we turn our attention to what the church refers to as ‘the centre and high point of the entire celebration, namely Eucharistic Prayer.’ (GIRM a. 78)

LITURGY MATTERS: Celebrants or Consumers? It matters!  Part 3: The preparation of the gifts IMAGE Liturgy Matters

LITURGY MATTERS: Celebrants or Consumers? It matters! Part 3: The preparation of the gifts

June 30, 2020 Louise Gannon rsj

Today we continue our reflection on what we think we are doing in the ‘Liturgy of the Eucharist’. We are driven by the question emerging in our COVID-19 experience: are we celebrants or consumers? So gather in your reflections from the first and second articles in this series and let us proceed, focusing today on the first of the four-part eucharistic action: the preparation of the gifts.

LITURGY MATTERS: Celebrants or Consumers? It matters! (Part 2) IMAGE Liturgy Matters

LITURGY MATTERS: Celebrants or Consumers? It matters! (Part 2)

June 16, 2020 Louise Gannon rsj

In the previous Liturgy Matters, prompted by our experience of live streamed Mass, we began to explore the question: When we celebrate eucharist, do we understand ourselves to be celebrants or consumers?

LITURGY MATTERS: Celebrants or Consumers? It matters! IMAGE Liturgy Matters

LITURGY MATTERS: Celebrants or Consumers? It matters!

June 02, 2020 Louise Gannon rsj

The ‘liturgical cafeteria’ opened for business in a new and expanded form at the same time businesses, jobs, shops, theatres, parks, sport and a range of other activities closed.

Special Studies in Theology: Liturgical Inculturation IMAGE Liturgy Matters

Special Studies in Theology: Liturgical Inculturation

May 26, 2020 Louise Gannon rsj

Australian Catholic University's (ACU's) Faculty of Theology and Philosophy and the ACU Centre for Liturgy will welcome Rev. Professor Mark R. Francis csv a renown liturgical theologian whose special interest is the relationship between liturgy and culture.

LITURGY MATTERS: Forward never backward IMAGE Liturgy Matters

LITURGY MATTERS: Forward never backward

May 19, 2020 Louise Gannon rsj

Well its begun. The restrictions are being eased and all the talk is about ‘back to normal’, or ‘adjusting to the new normal’. Language is always interesting. Of course, for people of faith – particularly Christians – there is no ‘back to’. Let’s reflect on that a bit.

LITURGY MATTERS: Prayerful and Eucharistic IMAGE Liturgy Matters

LITURGY MATTERS: Prayerful and Eucharistic

May 11, 2020 Louise Gannon rsj

Tracey’s Liturgy Matters article last week led me back to the Plenary Council theme which invites us to reflect on God’s call for us to be a Christ-centred Church in Australia that is prayerful and eucharistic.