Directed by Music Teacher, Lisa Pockran, the show involved all students with each class engaging in drama, music, dance and song as the main characters explored different worlds under the water, through the jungle, across the water on pirate ships to deserted islands, with lands long ago covered in dinosaurs and Martians.
The script which was co-written by Aspire’s Artistic Director, Anna Kerrigan and the entire student body, ensured audience members were held captive between scenes with hilarious dialogue.
The production was a polished performance choreographed by Frances Courtney and the finale song composed by the school band and Mrs Pockran.
Principal, Chris Fanning, said “St Mary’s has great belief in the benefits of children being given the chance to perform in front of an audience.
“There is the boost to a child’s self -esteem when they play a part, dance a routine, sing a song, tell a joke and people respond and clap. That instant positive feedback is really rewarding.”