Welcome to the Year of Youth!
Australian Bishops have identified the liturgical year of 2018, beginning on the first Sunday of Advent (today!) as the national Year of Youth.
Spreading joy is the aim at the Australian Catholic Youth Festival
With less than one week until the Australian Catholic Youth Festival, the Australian Catholic Bishops Office for Youth has launched the official song for the festival.
Recognising contribution of young people
Students and young people from across the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle are often engaged in activities that allow them to live out their faith in real and practical ways. From supporting music ministry to engaging with communities through social justice initiatives, attending youth days or helping out within their parish, students and young people have made extraordinary contributions to the life of the diocese.
Pints with a Purpose – The radical nun living a life on purpose
For September’s Pints with a Purpose we were blessed to welcome Sr Melissa Dwyer, a Canossian Daughter of Charity currently based in Brisbane ministering with St Vincent de Paul and the Vocations Brisbane team.
A praying community with a family feeling
Many of you reading this article will have seen invitations to Adoration, or as this experience is affectionately called locally, Seven @ Sacred Heart (SASH).
A night to remember
Last Friday evening around seventy people gathered for the Praise and Worship night at St Pius X High School in Adamstown.
Pints with a Purpose
Pints with a Purpose commenced its 2016 season this week with guest speaker Brendan Joyce, from the Caritas NSW/ACT Advocacy team. A gathering of around 45 people heard Brendan speak of his experiences of mission and social justice advocacy in Australia, Papua New Guinea and Africa.
MEGA GALLERY: Spirit-Filled Evangelisers Celebrate Australian Catholic Youth Festival 2015
The Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle contingent of 90 pilgrims joined more than 3,000 young people for the second Australian Catholic Youth Festival, (ACYF) held in Adelaide from 3-5 December 2015.