FAITH MATTERS: Faithful Tilling IMAGE Faith Matters

FAITH MATTERS: Faithful Tilling

July 18, 2023 Rosemary McAllister

We are excited that Father Richard Lennan will be visiting his hometown next month and offering several workshops and presentations.  

FAITH MATTERS: Pain, Prayer, Penance and Paella    IMAGE Faith Matters

FAITH MATTERS: Pain, Prayer, Penance and Paella   

June 20, 2023 Nicki Graham

I now know why there are so many books and stories told about the Spanish Camino.

FAITH MATTERS: Our Call to Creation IMAGE Faith Matters

FAITH MATTERS: Our Call to Creation

June 06, 2023 Rosemary McAllister

Whether we recognise the beauty and fragility of creation in glowing lights, words, actions, or prayer we should not take our mother earth for granted.

FAITH MATTERS: The Month of May IMAGE Faith Matters

FAITH MATTERS: The Month of May

May 23, 2023 Rosemary McAllister

Each Thursday evening a group have been gathering in fellowship to share a first century Palestine inspired meal, watch an episode of The Chosen and engage in discussion.

FAITH MATTERS: How does a marriage last half a century IMAGE Faith Matters

FAITH MATTERS: How does a marriage last half a century

May 09, 2023 Rosemary McAllister

It was early this year that a parishioner spoke to me about the overwhelming joy that brought her to tears when she recently rediscovered the speech her daughter had written for their 50th wedding anniversary celebrations four years earlier.

FAITH MATTERS: The Season to remember IMAGE Faith Matters

FAITH MATTERS: The Season to remember

April 26, 2023 Rosemary McAllister

When Father Bob Maguire died last week, I was surprised by the number of people sharing the news of his death on social media.

FAITH MATTERS: A New Way to Listen IMAGE Faith Matters

FAITH MATTERS: A New Way to Listen

April 11, 2023 Rosemary McAllister

Our Lenten journey is a time for internal and external reflection and deep listening. The Paschal mystery, that is, the life, death and resurrection is revealed to us during this period and Easter brings blessings of new life and fresh beginnings.

FAITH MATTERS: Finding faith and hope in the creative IMAGE Faith Matters

FAITH MATTERS: Finding faith and hope in the creative

March 28, 2023 Rosemary McAllister

It was in late 2022 that I was invited to Murrurundi to assist with an ecumenical gathering focusing on creativity and spirituality. I was delighted to meet those that attended the day, each person came with an openness to share their gifts and felt safe to express their creativity and spirituality.