August 03, 2015
Peter Bogan is the first recipient of‘Community Connect’, an NRMA/State Emergency Service commendation recognising those who have contributed significantly to improving their community’s resilience in the face of natural disasters. Tracey Edstein spent some time with Peter recently.
August 03, 2015
As its name suggests, the Catholic Church has never been a ‘one size fits all’ community. Recently a member of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross, Fr Stephen Hill, has begun ministering in Mayfield, Mayfield West and Stockton.
May 05, 2015
A national writing competition with local origins addresses issues of loss and grief.
April 07, 2015
When he left Sydney aboard the “Afric” on 18 October 1914, Arthur Robert Elliott, aged 24, could have imagined little of what awaited him over the next four years. Arthur had answered the call to enlist in the Australian Military Forces the previous August.
February 03, 2015
Couples that have been happily married for many years are often described as ‘finishing each other’s sentences’. Ron and Mavis Pirola, both 78, don’t do this. They probably could, but they are careful to preserve the space belonging to the other, while happily admitting they remain very much in love after 55 years of marriage.
February 03, 2015
When I lost it,
Yeah you held my hand,
But I tossed it,
Didn't understand...