May 04, 2016
Englishman Clifford Beazley AM, went away to sea at the age of 17, joining the merchant navy and making his way through the ranks, eventually becoming captain. The young seafaring Cliff could not have imagined being awarded an AM by His Excellency General, The Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Ret'd), Governor of NSW, in recognition of establishing a unique ship handling training centre.
April 19, 2016
Tracey Edstein asked Director of the Hunter Writers Centre, Karen Crofts, about the fourth annual GRIEVE writing competition. You may be inspired to enter!
April 19, 2016
Australians, particularly those in the Hunter Valley, have a unique opportunity to be part of a special First World War memorial being created in September by an international group of blacksmiths in Flanders, Belgium.
April 12, 2016
A colloquium in Newcastle next month will give members of the local community the opportunity to learn more about current threats to Earth, ‘our common home’, and ways to address the situation that align with a gospel perspective.
April 12, 2016
One commentator began his assessment of Amoris Laetitia by cautioning against a hurried reading. Of course, the news cycle in which we (at least we in the West) find ourselves demands not only a hurried reading but a hurried assessment. Thank goodness for highlighters and post-it notes!
April 06, 2016
For many years journalist Catherine Keenan was writing other people’s stories. Now, as 2016 Australian Local Hero, she is the story. Her passion gives young people the tools to tell their stories. Tracey Edstein visited Catherine’s ‘baby’, The Sydney Story Factory.