My favourite section of Michele Connolly’s Disorderly Women and the Order of God: An Australian Feminist Reading of the Gospel of Mark is her use of an incident in Australian history to issue a warning to women reading Mark.
Judith Scully had me hooked with her opening sentence: “At some point in my early teens, just when I was discovering there was more to the opposite sex than beneath-my-notice little brothers, I fell in love with God.”
Just glancing at the contents pages of Jim Quillinan’s Be Still Awhile Along the Track is enticing. Dip into “A lesson from ants”, “The angels in our lives”, “Time for tomatoes” and “Running on empty?”
Tracey Edstein spoke to Fr Peter Carroll msc, Chaplain to the Corrective Servicesand Chair of the Australian Catholic Prisoners Pastoral Care Council which advises the Bishops Commission for Pastoral Life.
General Operations Manager of St Nicholas Early Education, Kerri Armstrong, has been clear from the very beginning about the educational philosophy behind the St Nicholas adventure.