September 09, 2016
Predictably, the theme of the 2016 Australasian Catholic Press Association’s annual conference, held in Sydney last week, was “Channels of mercy”.
September 07, 2016
Gail O’Brien is to be the guest speaker at Holy Trinity Parish Dinner on 21 October (see page 21). Tracey Edstein interviewed Gail at her Sydney home and learned something of her remarkable story.
September 01, 2016
The gospel chosen for the 19th annual Special Needs Mass, celebrated at Muswellbrook on 30 August, involved what Bishop Bill called “mixed metaphors”: “The one who enters through the gate is the shepherd of the flock….I am the gate of the sheepfold….I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.”
August 30, 2016
Hardly a day goes by without reference in the various media to the prevalence of domestic violence in our society and the measures taken by individuals, governments, not-for-profits and other bodies to care for victims in the short term and bring about real change in the longer term. Of course, the sooner awareness grows and attitudes change, the better!
August 12, 2016
The Dominican schools of St Dominic’s, St Columban’s and San Clemente, Mayfield, and Corpus Christi, Waratah, have traditionally come together to celebrate the feast of St Dominic early in August.
August 12, 2016
It was entirely fitting that the inaugural Cathedral Lecture, initiated by Dean of Sacred Heart Cathedral, Rev Andrew Doohan, should be delivered by Rev Dr Richard Lennan, Professor of Systematic Theology at Boston College, and a priest of the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle.