January 09, 2017
Some will recall the June Aurora cover depicting teacher Michael Eccleston and students from St Joseph’s Lochinvar participating in #3weeks2days, an imaginative honouring of John Sandy’s walk for three weeks and two days in order to make a phone call to his wife. John came to Australia as a refugee from Sierra Leone and is now a project officer with CatholicCare Refugee Service.
January 06, 2017
“We come to liturgy to celebrate together as a community, not as a group of separate individuals. We come to liturgy not to get something but to become something – to become more like Christ so we live in the world as the face and hands and feet of God’s mercy.”
January 05, 2017
An initiative that began at St Francis Xavier’s College, Hamilton, some years ago, under the auspices of teacher Robert Sheridan, has flourished, benefiting both ‘SFX’ students and those they assist in local primary schools.
December 07, 2016
Perhaps the fictional Eliza Doolittle best sums up the household of Les and Valerie Murray at Bunyah, a rural hamlet off the road north to the Manning region.
"Words, words, words!" Eliza sang to Henry Higgins, with barely concealed frustration. However, the frustration is missing in the Murrays' case, unless it's the understandable frustration of declining mobility as the years roll by.
November 29, 2016
A group of students of St Clare’s High School, Taree, has ended Year 12 on a high note after an entire class was selected for OnSTAGE on the basis of its HSC Drama group performance.
November 16, 2016
Fr Stephen Hill of Mayfield recently carried fulfilled the role of chaplain on a cruise ship, for his sins!