February 22, 2017
While the community of San Clemente High School, Mayfield, is celebrating the school’s centenary in a variety of ways, the one that may well have the longest impact is the ‘story collecting’ project.
February 03, 2017
The numbers may be small at St Joseph’s Primary School, Bulahdelah, but there is no shortage of enthusiasm, individual attention and community feeling.
February 01, 2017
Constance by name, constance by nature…it’s possibly not an original thought in terms of Waratah’s Constance (Connie) Jennings, but it is true.
January 13, 2017
When he teaches adult groups under the auspices of the Tenison Woods Education Centre (TWEC), Michael O’Connor, parishioner of Wallsend, describes himself in terms of “four Xes”.
January 12, 2017
Some of us are old enough to remember ‘vocations talks’ at school. Lest anyone doubt the effectiveness of these, reflect on the vocation story of Spiritan priest, Philip Doyle, currently ministering at Raymond Terrace and this year celebrating his golden jubilee of ordination.
January 10, 2017
Aurora is Latin for dawn, and in the lectionary, the dawn Mass of Christmas Day is called Aurora. When Bishop Michael Malone launched a diocesan newspaper which he named Aurora in December 1996, it was the beginning of a new era for the diocese.