May 04, 2016
Had life’s pathway been slightly more circuitous and led a teenage girl into matrimony with her favourite matinee idol of the time, then today, she might be known as Mrs Ada Gable or perhaps, Mrs Ada Bogart. As it turned out, Ada at age 21 met and married Max, the love of her life, and she became Mrs Ada Staader. Not an unmemorable name you would have to agree. Till Max’s recent passing, the couple enjoyed a happy marriage, celebrating their Diamond Jubilee.
April 06, 2016
Have you ever had the experience of beginning kindergarten ... twice?
April 04, 2016
As the Year of Mercy unfolds, John Murray shares a lyrical recollection of a journey to a place infused with the immanent God.
March 02, 2016
I’m standing here at Groves House and surfacing in my memory are snatches of a conversation from some years ago between my wife and Sister Jane Frances Schumacher rsj who was formerly her principal at St Anne’s High School, Adamstown.
July 07, 2015
Have you ever wanted to know what the future might hold for someone else?
June 02, 2015
On 18 June the annual Vinnies CEO Sleepout will be held and Director of CatholicCare Social Services, Helga Smit, and Director of the Catholic Schools Office, Ray Collins, will participate. John Murray offers a lyrical reflection on the meaning of home; so much more than a roof over one’s head or an address to cite.