February 12, 2019
My homily for the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C) as preached during the 5pm Sunday Mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Hamilton.
February 04, 2019
My homily for the 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C) as preached during the 9.30am Mass at the Sacred Hamilton Cathedral, Hamilton.
February 02, 2019
Partly to avoid the worst of the heat of the Australian summer, I spent some of ‘down time’ in January sorting through filing cabinets rapidly approaching the point of overflowing, and boxes that seem to have not moved since I arrived in my present home. It was a very cathartic and therapeutic experience.
January 29, 2019
My homily for the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C) as preached at the 5.30pm Saturday evening Mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Hamilton.
January 22, 2019
Twelve months ago, we were preparing to farewell my predecessor as Vicar General, Fr Brian Mascord, following his appointment as Bishop of Wollongong. The news of that appointment was still ‘sinking in’ as 2017 came to a close. It proved to be only one of the changes that our Church of Maitland-Newcastle would have to face as we navigated our way through 2018.
January 21, 2019
My homily for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C) as preached during the 9.30am Mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral in Hamilton.