November 09, 2020
You, Dear Reader, know many things that I don’t. You know, for example, whether Trump won the American election, or at least whether there has yet been a final result. I am stuck in the past, in October. I don’t even know the result of that other first Tuesday race, the Melbourne Cup. You know, but you can’t tell me. Not now, not as I sit here writing. What you know is still in the future for me, still uncertain.
October 06, 2020
If you boarded a long-haul flight 10 or 15 years ago, you knew you’d be disturbed all through the night by people getting out of your row of seats, walking up and down the plane, stretching, doing squats and lunges, and so on. The cabin would take on the aspect of a gym.
September 07, 2020
For a long time in this country, there was pretty much a Catholic everything.
August 03, 2020
When this issue of Aurora was beginning to coalesce around a theme of partnerships in Church ministries and how we are “stronger together”, I knew I wanted to write about the great partnership at the heart of Church life, that between the clergy and the laity.
July 04, 2020
As we come up to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday this year, issues of race, discrimination and reconciliation are very much on the public agenda around the world.
June 06, 2020
When you get into June you know winter is upon you.