Australia has voted

Today the Hon Anthony Albanese was sworn in as the 31st Prime Minister of Australia together with his interim Cabinet by the Governor-General of Australia, General David Hurley.  I note that each oath was taken holding a bible.

Fr Greg Barker May 23, 2022
Australia has voted Image

On behalf of the Diocese of Maitland Newcastle I congratulate him on his election. I pray that as he begins his term, he doesn’t lose sight of his Catholic roots or the foundational platform of the Labor party with and for the poor.

As with all leaders, regardless of party politics or organisation, he is called to serve all the people of Australia to the very best of his ability regardless of their ethnicity, background or politics.

In congratulating Mr Albanese, I also wish to acknowledge and offer thanks to the Hon Scott Morrison, who as Prime Minister led this country through some of its most challenging times including the difficulties to our economy and social fabric that COVID has been. I recognise the courage, faith and goodwill his leadership offered during those difficult times.

As a community, we pray for the success of each government democratically elected, its care of the marginalised and most vulnerable and for its service to this Nation we call home.

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