Join our Diocesan Liturgical Ministry

As we tentatively move to a less restricted ‘new normal’, liturgical ministry everywhere is in need of new life and new ministers. Here are two exciting invitations for you to consider personally, or perhaps you know someone who might be interested. Help spread the word!

Louise Gannon rsj February 21, 2022
Join our Diocesan Liturgical Ministry Image

Assistant Masters of Ceremonies

In 2016 Bishop Bill Wright asked Fr Andrew Doohan, his Master of Ceremonies, to introduce the ministry of Assistant Masters of Ceremonies to the Diocese. Since then, several people have participated in an initial formation journey to discern their call to this ministry. A College of Assistant Masters of Ceremonies has been established comprising the Master of Ceremonies, four Assistant Masters of Ceremonies, and the Manager of Worship and Prayer.

With the growth of this ministry, we are looking to increase the number of Assistant Masters of Ceremonies and seeking Expressions of Interest from members of the Church of Maitland-Newcastle who have the appropriate gifts and skills.

This ministry is opened to males and females 18 years and older. It would be an advantage to have experience as a liturgical minister.

All the relevant information including the Role Description and Formation Handbook, along with the Expression of Interest Letter and Form are accessible on the Diocesan website by clicking the ‘Assistant Masters of Ceremonies’ heading. The closing date is Friday 18 March.

Diocesan Christian Initiation Forum

All the baptised are commissioned by Christ to proclaim the Good News and make disciples. Long before Pope Francis, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) imagined the Catholic parish as a community of missionary disciples whose way of life revealed Jesus through its commitment to community and mission. 

In the Church of Maitland-Newcastle, the ministry of Christian Initiation – which includes RCIA and Sacraments of Initiation for Children – finds its home with the Diocesan Liturgy Council (DLC) and Office. The Christian Initiation Forum has been established by the DLC to shepherd this ministry according to the vision, principles and process of the RCIA.  

With the continued growth of the ministry of Christian Initiation in parishes across the Diocese, it is time to seek Expressions of Interest for new members of the Christian Initiation Forum. For more information about this ministry please read the Forum’s Mandate and those interested are invited to submit their Expression of Interest Form by Friday 18 March.  

Initial formation is an integral aspect of both ministry groups. For further information on:


Photo: © 2019 Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle. All rights reserved.

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