150 Days of Action

The Gospel tells us that Joseph, Mary and Jesus fled from their homeland for safety. Pope Francis has recently named St Joseph as “the special patron of all those forced to leave their native lands because of war, hatred, persecution and poverty.” 

Guest Contribution August 03, 2021
150 Days of Action Image

To honour and acknowledge this, people are coming together to engage in 150 Days of Action across Australia, concluding on September 26th. We wish to work with people of good will, and together advocate to change our country’s attitude and policies towards those seeking protection in Australia. The Australian response needs to reflect the Gospel more, as it too often presents refugees and people seeking asylum as those who try to manipulate our charity. Jesus says to us  that  what we do to others we do to him.

All parishes and groups, no matter how small, are invited to take part, and to work with others for the good of our brothers and sisters who are seeking refuge.

For more information about the 150 Days of Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers, please refer to the linked document.

Julie Macken of the Sydney Archdiocese Justice and Peace Office:

Susan Connelly of the Josephite Justice Network:

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