Online Information Session: Relationships Matter

Are you interested in relationships and the research around why they are successful or what happens when personal dedication erodes?

Rosemary McAllister June 02, 2020
Online Information Session: Relationships Matter Image

Are you single, dating, engaged, in a committed relationship, preparing for your first child or married? If so, this Zoom information session will benefit you!

Robyn Donnelly is an experienced facilitator and coordinator of Marriage & Relationship Education programs and will be sharing with participants the research around:

I to We concept (from Me to We) and its benefits to your relationship, two dimensions of Commitment – Personal Dedication Vs Constraint Commitment. Research from the Gottman Institute to strengthen relationships called The Sound Relationship House Theory which helps to affair proof your marriage by increasing understanding of building your friendship. Robyn will cover strategies to build strong emotional bank accounts by explaining small things often.

The session provides participants with an understanding of patterns of behaviours that drain our emotional bank accounts and can cause the relationship to go into meltdown or disconnection of the parties. Participants can reflect on 7 areas that create strong sound relationships starting at the foundations this includes research around rituals and shared meaning, so your relationship stays connected to get through areas of disagreements or conflict.


Date: Wednesday June 17

Time: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Where: Online

RSVP: Tuesday June 16

To book click on the Eventbrite link here, or for more information email or call 49791370

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