Praying the Gospels this Advent

There is something extraordinarily exciting about Advent this year, maybe because 2020 has been a year that waiting was thrust upon society.

Rosemary McAllister November 24, 2020
Praying the Gospels this Advent Image

We have waited for loved ones in quarantine after arriving home from overseas, for distance restrictions to ease so funerals and weddings can include all family members and boarders to open so families and friends can reconnect. This waiting has caused distress and heart ache for many.

The waiting we experience at Advent is not like the one experienced through COVID-19, but rather is an opportunity to reflect and contemplate on hope, peace, joy and love in preparation for Christmas. This very special time of the year provides us a vision of a life of possibilities.

The word “Advent” is derived from the Latin word adventus, meaning “coming”.

The vision of life that Advent gives us is twofold; it looks back to the first coming of Christ at Bethlehem, and it looks to the future when Christ will come again. In the interval between these two events we find meaning for our life as a Christian.

Advent is also a spiritual journey through the truths of Scripture that point to the birth of the Messiah and reaffirm that he has come and is present in the world today. Amid the flurry of Christmas preparations, we look for practical ways to observe the holiness of the season in our everyday lives.

One unexpected outcome of COVID-19 is the human ability to remain connected through digital means.

This Advent we invite you to two different experiences which we hope to connect individuals, groups, parishes from all corners within the Diocese from the comfort of your own home.

Praying the Gospels this Advent

You are invited to join the Advent online Praying the Gospels group. This group was established at the beginning of Church closures and is still going strong and growing in number. The group reflects on the Gospel using Lectio and Visio Divina.

The group meet each Wednesday at 5pm until 5.45pm.

Password: Prayer

Adventus: Joining a hope that has come

The second opportunity is viewing the 35 minute film Adventus and reflecting on the messages from theologians and practitioners who have offered their thoughts on Advent, a season of being remade in the dark. Film voices include: Walter Brueggemann, Kelly Brown Douglas, Stanley Hauerwas, Rudy Rasmus, Parker Palmer, Fleming Rutledge, Nadia Bolz-Weber, Ilia Delio, Emilie Townes, James Alison, Richard Rohr, Marlon Hall, Wm Paul Young, Brené Brown, and Jürgen Moltmann.


Wednesday 2nd Dec | 3pm- 4pm

Wednesday 9th Dec | 9.30am-10.30am

Wednesday 16th Dec | 6.30pm- 7.30pm

Wednesday 23rd Dec | 1.30pm- 2.30pm

To register for this free event go to:

A reflection guide and Zoom link will be emailed to you before the viewing.

We are looking forward to sharing the joy of Advent with you!

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