Morality 101 with Father Anthony Coloma

In Morality 101: The Joy of Christian Living in a Morally Crazy World, Anthony addresses the questions gathered by the Adult Faith Formation Office pertinent to making moral choices, sin and forgiveness.

Anthony Coloma November 17, 2020
Morality 101 with Father Anthony Coloma Image

In attending to these queries, his response is informed by the framework of encounter, espoused by Pope emeritus Benedict XVI and Pope Francis. He argues that critical conversations on morality is (a) grounded on the encounter with the person of Jesus Christ in the Scriptures, the Eucharist and in personal prayer; and, (b) driven by the desire to be united and to be in union with God.  

Further, Anthony reckons that the complexities life throws at the world can compel any individual to question, if not doubt, the quality of her or his encounter with God. A person’s reaction to life’s craziness may strengthen or sever one’s relationship with God and with others. There ought to be rejoicing for people who struggled and carried on in the faith. But for those who, willingly or are mere victims of circumstance, break their Baptismal grace and find themselves separated from the Trinity, God, like the prodigal parent in Luke 15, waits in great expectation for people who longs to return back to God’s embrace. This return, Anthony suggests, is fueled and animated by the person’s capacity to give and to receive forgiveness. 

For those planning to attend this conversation, Anthony proposes that they consider the following points for reflection: (1) What is the quality of my encounter with the person of Jesus Christ? (2) Does the encounter enable me to integrate Christ’s values, behavior and way of thinking into my values, behavior and way of thinking? (3) Are the people in my workplace, in my home, in my significant relationships recognize in me Christ’s values, behavior and way of thinking? 

To read more about the event, click here for flyer

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