Hello Hunter offers a helping hand

Are you feeling isolated, lonely or anxious? Hello Hunter is here to support you!

Ashleigh Banks October 27, 2020
Hello Hunter offers a helping hand  Image

Hello Hunter is available for any person experiencing hardship due to social isolation, poverty, disease, disability, illness, age, mental health, family, social, or other community network breakdown.

The initiative partners with churches to mobilise volunteers to help those in need, regardless of their faith background, commitment, other social standing or identity.

Originally created to assist those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, Hello Hunter links people in need with volunteers from local churches who can help.

Volunteers are available to make a friendly call, deliver essentials and assist in finding specialised help. On request, they are also able to pray with the person.


Hello Hunter has a call centre which takes requests for assistance, and then notifies neighbourhood hubs to mobilise their volunteers. These hubs are formed according to suburb and postcode, with the overall goal being to support the person in need through assistance from their nearest neighbour.

Launched on 5 June 2020, Hello Hunter began due to talks between a group of church leaders within Newcastle, headed up by Rick Prosser from Kingdom Works.

Director of Pastoral Ministries, Teresa Brierley, is the initiative representative for the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle. Mrs Brierley said Hello Hunter allows local churches of various faiths to work together, instead of trying to meet the need on their own.

“We all live in a community, so if that community can look after one another, how good would that be?” said Mrs Brierley.

Volunteer Opportunities

Hello Hunter are looking for volunteers with some specialist skills to help in a few areas:

If you have any of these skills PLUS you have time and a passion to volunteer Hello Hunter would love to hear from you. You can contact Hello Hunter by emailing

If you are in need of assistance, you can call Hello Hunter on (02) 4948 6837, or go online and request assistance here.

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